
Ricky Martin Flips off the President


Pop.nography loves some Ricky Martin politics, especially when the vibrating heart-throb decides to boldly enter the digital age.

During his performance in Puerto Rico, Ricky Martin stuck his middle finger out when he mentioned President Bush’s name. In the song Asignatura Pendiente, there is a line in the lyrics that goes:
“A photo with Bush…”
As he said this, Ricky gave him the F-you treatment and the crowd of 18,000 fans went crazy and cheered.

I guess that’s a photo-op Dubbya could have done without, but its not like he spends a lot of time courting the gay and/or Puerto Rican vote – not that any one is claiming Ricky Martin is an ‘and’ rather than an ‘or’.
The Repubs like a family friendly, Castro-Hating, Church going conservative Hispanic voter.

Not so enthusiastic in pursuit of the hip shaking, boy banding, well groomed, beach-cavorting and worked out electorate –and now they people are being heard. Well, seen, but in a form of international sign language that hearing and non-hearing communities are really down with. Also the French – and the British Public – I don’t think we have time for the rest of the list.

Let pop.nography tie it up:

A stadium full of totally disenfranchised U.S. residents who aren’t
allowed to vote for president (or even a rep with an actual full seat in Congress) might not be the toughest crowd ever — especially when folks are already dazed with lust watching Ricky shake his bon-bon. But there’s nothing wrong with preaching to the choir.
Especially when it makes it so easy to write a joke about Ricky using his fingers for, um, higher purposes.

Not that we would ever go for that sort of easy smut based humor here, but its nice for those who like that sort of thing. And Speedos. Like Anderson Cooper.

pics via jeromeparis and dominicself

Update by Celebitchy: The guy in the pictures with Ricky is his super-hot brother.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-15